אכזרי סוף שנעשה אכזרי במקום רחמן
Kol mi shena`asa rahaman bimqom akhzari Sof shena`asa akhzari bimqom rahaman
All who are made to be compassionate in the place of the cruel In the end are made to be cruel in the place of the compassionate.
More colloquially translated: "Those who are kind to the cruel, in the end will be cruel to the kind."
Online Source: http://www.rishon-rishon.com/archives/044412.php
I've embarked on a great reduction in privacy by bookmarking my web-based reading on the "delicious.com" utility. It may tip my hand as to what I have in mind for blogging, but the same may help friends and frenemies alike track my thinking: here is the URL:
Main web: www.communicating-arts.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Also: as of 2011, I am building a photography print-on-demand presence at Fine Art AmericaM. This is the address:
Effort in print-on-demand will not offset the production nor value of signed, limited edition prints made under my own hand. However, for very good convenience, price, and quality, print-on-demand may work out well for many fans and patrons.
If you're engaged in funded research in conflict analysis or other areas that may be addressed here and wish to engage my mind in your project, feel welcome to drop me a note at [email protected].
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The Office of Naval Research Public Affairs Office provided my first encounter with the World Wide Web. In addition to the text creation and management part of editorial service, I had the pleasure of coding and uploading ONR publications back when there was nary a WYSIWYG HTML editor in sight. It was all still new for consumers back then in 1995. The changes in online publishing have, of course, been nothing short of incredible in the 17 years since then (I'll spare you the typing of that article right now): I've become a pretty good photographer with a legacy of unfulfilled ambitions in literary and musical circles, the detritus from that has itself been rather spectacular.
Zoetrope.com: close to 850 reviews of photographs submitted in the "virtual film studio" photography wing and I have no idea the count on posts or correspondence.
Models.com: I'm just going to say "thousands of posts".
Modelmayhem.com: 2,248 posts as of 3 May 2007.
In music . . . I've made a very little money although I would call some of the "gigs" the best jobs I've ever had. First Night Alexandria, the open deck of a restaurant in Ellicott City, Maryland, travel for a community group in Seaford, Delaware, bars around Takoma Park and Cleveland Park in D.C.--priceless (and remunerative: First Night paid $500, for example). There, however, is a business whose retail floor you have to rather love and for which a young lifestyle may be helpful (for all those late nights and all that beer). Music probably helps me stay healthy (partly because it helps to run; it's also spiritually exalting when you get it about right), but it bothers me to have the voice I do (and do I ever have that) as well as more than a few of my own songs laying around. I'd like to get the whole thing back into shape and working for me as well.
Altogether, that's a lot of service for not a lot of reward, something too typical of the English major's fate and something I'd like to change with this blog by having it help me focus my efforts and by cultivating associates, clients, readers, publications, and patrons.
Editor & Writer
Singer & Songwriter
M.A. Outdoor Recreation Resources Management, University of Maryland, College Park 1985
M.A. English, University of Maryland, College Park 1988
A Shug's Country. 1993. Produced guitar and vocal track for second 60-minute album of socially-conscious and unconsciously pastoral blues, country, folk, and rock music.
A Shug's Delight! 1989. Album (60 minutes) with distribution split between sales and promotion.
1997-2000—Noon show, Darlington Apple Festival, Darlington, Md., 1997, ‘98, ‘99, '00; Courtyard Troubadour, P.J.’s Restaurant, Main Street, Ellicott City, Md., August through December, 1998; Street Singer (two years running), Alexandria First Night Festival, Alexandria, Virginia; Evening Entertainer, Presbyterian Home, Washington, D.C.; February (1997): troubadour, private Valentine’s Day party, Fairfax, Va.; principle concert performer, The Boardroom, Seaford, Delaware.
1995--produced 3-minute dance composition, "Swingin' Dada" for Alexandria Department of Recreation, Merrymaker Summer Camp, Arts Division (performance: July 14, 1995). 1994--gigging private parties as pianist with standards and show tune repertoire; continued songwriting.
1993--In September, played at Fratello's in Gaithersburg, Md.; performed Tuesdays, July and August, at the Judge's Bench, Ellicott City, Md.
1992--performed in October as open mike opening act (30 minutes) at E.C. Does It Café, Ellicott City, Md., and in November as a featured act (45 minutes) at Silver Spring Folk Showcase; performed over spring and summer at Songwriter's Showcase, Westminster Inn, Maryland.
1990--Principal Male Vocalist, Alexandria Royal Fifes and Drums. Venues included Omni Shoreham, Washington Hilton.
1988-89--A Shug's Delight! won airplay on WWDC's Local Licks program; 1988--Led trio, The Shugs, into Washington, D.C. venues, including Galleghar's Pub, The Royal Warrant, The Takoma Café, and Bosco's.
1987--while on vacation in Jacksonville, Florida, played at TJ's Oyster House (won free-seafood-dinner-for-two contest), Applejacks, and Mayport Naval Air Station.
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music, literature, film, art, journalism, photography, politics, biography, conflict