Every fucking (literally) muscle in my body has gone limp save one, and for that my girlfriend and I are mighty thankful to God.
This comes of ten years of beer and two-stepping down at the bar (it was a great bar), but more beer than two-stepping over time; then . . . the Internet and all its distractions--online communing, career development, and sex; then the girlfriend--realspace, baby!--followed by the fire, the uncomfortable efficiency apartment bivuoac, the two-weeks notice (losin' my space, baby!), the intermediate room in a space somewhere else, and the big move to the countryside, the return of the girlfriend (my baby's back!), more time at the computer, dining out, beer and the home bar, until . . . I thank God again for the Miller Genuine Draft at the end of today's hour of walk-run, walk-walk-jog, run-walk-walk-totter home.
What the hell happened?
Let's take a look at the good side of this:
- I could spend the hour outside without injury, and, so far, no stroke, no heart attack, just healthy old sweat;
- All is not lost until it's lost, and as long as it ain't lost, I guess I still got it;
- I have a girlfriend; I have an office; I have a garden; I have a camera; I have a guitar; I have a library; I have a sports car; I have a cell phone; I have running shoes; I have this place on the Internet; I have Zorba the Greek on deck for the DVD player; etc.
- I have also a "spare tire" and the will to do something about it.
I'm going to finish my beer this minute, but all things considered, I have been blessed.