Posted: 070708-0930; Updated: 070708-2310H
Pakistani President and Commander in Chief of its military Pervez Musharrif ordered (true enough in a vertically integrated military system) Lt. Col. Haroon-ul-Islam to remove sections of wall around the Red Mosque compound in order to provide besieged students who want to flee a military assualt, if it comes, and surrender a chance to escape their captors, who, survivors claim, have used intimidation backed by AK-47 submachine guns to keep them among themselves.
"Lt. Col. Haroon-ul-Islam was killed and three other officers were wounded during the operation to free women and children holed up inside the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, army sources told CNN." [1]
Estimates on numbers remaining in the mosque: 50 to 60 fighters with at least 14 AK-47's between them; 850 to 1,800 other young Muslims, including women and children.
In laying siege to the mosque, the military has cut off electric, gas, and water services and destroyed fuel tanks used to run generators within the compound.
President Musharrif has called for the unconditional surrender of all remaining in the mosque.
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1. "Commander killed outside Red Mosque.", July 8, 2007 (the CNN page update says July 5, 2007; however, Reuters reported the story last night, July 7, 2007, and the story was not touted at on my last check after midnight this morning).
2. "Musharraf pays his respects." Reuters video, July 8, 2007.
Correspondence and Permissions: James S. Oppenheim