My of the queries to my blog come from "bots", so I believe, for all of the pages are "hit" within a couple of minutes, but a few come by way of mention of "Korengal Outpost" and queries for the names of one soldier or another fallen in 2006, which are listed here, and a few come out of Googling "Chauncey Bailey", the editor of the weekly Oakland Post who was murdered in broad daylight last week allegedly by a gunman acting on behalf of the interests of the "Your Black Muslim Bakery" of Oakland and, by proxy, what's on the plate that no one wants to look at, the Black Muslim organization at large.
So far, I've been cautious about that last leap.
Yusuf Bey IV, the bakery's owner by way of inheritance from his father, had problems and pressure aplenty before Chauncey Bailey started digging into the affairs of his bakery. There may turn out more fuel for basing the story in family and personal vendetta than in national politics.
We shall see.
Rather than reprise the story, I am inclined to list for a while related stories. One could, of course, Google them up, but I may get a chance here to see how a pre-digested list may work and share with you my reading on the story.
2. Thompson, Chris. "The Killing of a Journalist." The Village Voice, August 7, 2007.
3. Manley, Martin. "Chauncey Bailey and Oakland's Nation of Islam." Jam Side Down. August 5, 2007.
6. "Chauncey Bailey Remembered as Fearless." KCBS, August 8, 2007.
7. Moore, Galen. "News from My Hometown." In Transit, August 10, 2007.
Correspondence and Permissions: James S. Oppenheim