070824-1410 EDT
Much better: "Militants' families evacuated from Lebanon camp." [2]
Within the hour, Reuters has changed its headline from "Families of militants set to leave Lebanon camp" to "Families of militants flee Lebanon camp."
I would disagree with the word "flee": that is something done when the fighting starts.
This, by comparison, represents surrender with a decent enough promised outcome: safety and a return to family (that as opposed to arrest, separation, trial, death, and orphaning).
Reuters reports the estimate of fighters remaining at 30.
At one point, I believe there were around 250 militants engaged with the Lebanese Defense Forces at Nahr al-Bared.
The story will continue in the courts and then some in the political arena as the Lebanese government incarcerates and retrieves personalities through the relationship skiens that characterize Al Qaeda-type guerrilla organization models.
1. "Families of militants flee Lebanon camp." Reuters, August 24, 2007.
2. "Militants' families evacuated from Lebanon camp." Reuters, August 24, 2007.
Correspondence and Permissions: James S. Oppenheim