"What you fear is a downward spiral of violence, of attacks and counter-attacks, and counter-counter-attacks on a tribal and ethnic basis which then becomes very hard to stop," U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes told reporters in Brussels." [4]
What fascinates me and should horrify you: having reduced complex economic, political, and social conditions to "my people vs. your people," Kenya has entered warfare's payback stage: counter-attack by Kikuyu youths whose "people" (the skein of so many millions of unknown relations whose lives up to know have been defined by other than ancestral blood) against, symbolically--except the bodies are real enough--those who first set out across the Rift Valley with machetes and matches.
Even from my one favored source, Reuters, the story would seem a hard one to tell with some other spin, say as an abberation in global politics or as "overplayed" and encouraged by media coverage.
Incumbent neglect and opposition ambition have turned a set of economic and social challenges common around the globe into tribal warfare that would be immune to political administrative process were it not for the adult and moderate people of Kenya themselves who are able to perceive what the manner of democratic politics has done to their country and through media, music, and personal action work harder than the street to save their beloved country.
For clicking away from this location, start with Lewis, David. "Kenyan refugees flee from baying crowds." Reuters Africa, January 29, 2008, a fair wrap on the latest agony--and then into the Reuters Africa news soup with you too!
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1. "Save our beloved country." Video. Reuters. January 26, 2008.
2. "Protesters throw stones at riot police in Nairobi. Photograph. Reuters AlertNet, January 29, 2008.
3. "Kenya Violence: Deadly Mix of Politics and Old Grudges. Reuters AlertNet, January 28, 2008.
4. Tattersall, Nick. "Annan launches Kenya mediation, violence spreads." Reuters AlertNet, January 29, 2008.
5. "Special coverage: Kenya in turmoil." Reuters Africa, as experienced January 29, 2008.
6. "Kenya in Turmoil." Slideshow. Reuters, nd.
7. Lewis, David. "Kenyan refugees flee from baying crowds." Reuters Africa, January 29, 2008.
Correspondence: James S. Oppenheim