"Witnesses said men armed with pistols assassinated Mohamed Kheire, the administration officer for German charity Bread for the World, at Elasha south of the capital Mogadishu."
That above is the lead on a story that admits or suggests that "gunmen" means very little in Somalia. Such murders may be related to clan, criminal, or Islamist operations.
I doubt any will write or read a follow-up investigation-related report on the latest murder. Whether or not such matters are pursued by the government, and whatever information journalists may get on them, including claims for credit, it's certain another assassination, battle, or bomb will run the matter off the virtual page in a matter of days if not hours or minutes.
1. Skeikh, Abdi. "Gunmen kill another aid worker in Somalia." Reuters AlertNet, July 11, 2008.
Correspondence: James S. Oppenheim