Update, October 7, 2009
Flap over. The original video has been pulled from YouTube.
Teaching children about democratic and egalitarian values would seem one thing; having them chant for a politician without regard to their family's political alignment has rightly turned out a faux pas worth a moment's notice.
Update, September 29, 2009 from CNN:
It's good to see parents who know the difference between education and indoctrination, the development in public of knowledge and skills, and the development in private of political, religious, and social alliance and values.
Original Post
No children were compelled to sing for Bill Clinton -- And I thought he was a fine Democrat (in his public life) and every bit as deserving of the latest in presidents.
Source: YouTube poster "alteredbeat." "School kids taught to praise Obama." Posted September 24, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zrsl8o4ZPo
Alteredbeat's caption claims the recording was made at B. Bernice Young Elementary School, Burlington, New Jersey around June 19, 2009.
It looks like there's going to be some national coverage on this one:
Brogan, Jim. "Bernice Young Elementary School (Video): Children Obama Chant." The Post Chronicle, September 24, 2009: http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212258016.shtml
My originating source: "Boiling Frogs," Chronicles of Atlantis, September 24, 2009: http://chronatlantis.blogspot.com/2009/09/boiling-frogs.html
Conservative plant?
The real misguided (deifying) deal?
Tune into Fox: Jim Brogan says they're coveirng it.
Busted for noodling through the conservative ranks? Yes.
I have actually turned up a web site devoted to the defense of free speech:
Then, and this writing as possibly the oldest Peter Pan ever, I found a personality better than Captain Hook for motivating the unpleasant business of . . . growing up: Diana West, who perhaps has spoken to soon of the "death of the grownup": http://www.dianawest.net/ (Diana West's articles are archived at http://townhall.com/columnists/DianaWest).
The thing about children singing in praise of a standing president is their parents may not have voted for him, and the song is what they will carry home in usurpation and violation of the parent's prerogative to guide their children itno moral and political values of their family and privately chosen close community.
Then too, dare a child not sing?
As to the values . . . that's my old Dems! (I'm still registered).
About that melody: I live a short drive north of Antietam Battlefield and well understand, as all should (just sayin'), that the implementation of America's egalitarian ideal--" . . . that all men are created equal . . . ."--has not come about by affixing signatures to paper and cleaving away from the Kingdom that was the Church of England, but through the bloody and dismal struggle with a system that had taken root and developed into fullsome maturity to the point where its plantation aristocracy and values were overarching but no longer compatible with the still-expanding democracy, its industries in incubation, and its industriousness.
So what lyrics to what patriotic old tune, I wonder, will the next president get.
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