While Islamist Watch provided the lead and URL's to the above videos, most certainly neither it nor any in the online community aligned against militant Islam choreographed the above events, which I find chilling. I'd like to provide an interpretive excuse, one that recognizes the latest true faith, but then the Jews take it as axiomatic that if God gave them a message, he give it perfectly and in universal space and time: no upgrades needed or abrogations required.
Perhaps what others have received, or claimed, that is their business or gift, but whatever it may be, none who are not of it need deny or verify its legitimacy.
Not to be forgotten: "There is no compulsion in religion."
For reference, I'm going to leave this note short. As most know, clicking on an embedded video will return you to its source (all are on YouTube). A URL to Islamist Watch's home page persists in the journals list to the left, and the specific article by David J. Rusin (published May 14, 2010) is located here:
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