I took inspiration for this post from Brendan Goldman's article in The American Thinker titled, "Middle East Studies Profs Usurp New Roles to Censure Israel Over Gaza Flotilla" [1]. The gist of the lead, a juxtaposition as I may repeat here, was "XYZ defended the martyrs of the Mavi Marmara, comparing them to America's founding fathers and the rebels of the Boston Tea Party."
Follow the reference URL to read what was actually said, but nonetheless, the above suits for spirit, and never mind the steel railing cut into pipes, the knives and bats, the gunfire initiated by ship's crew or passengers, the presence of personnel associated with several terrorist groups, the absence of cargo in three ships of seven, also the relatively survivable state of affairs in Gaza today with plenty of constructive aid, adequate electric service, food, and water, also commercial activity and so on moving through the strip (there's additional coverage filling in some of the details of the Mavi Marmara incident further down this blog), and the most fundamental message from the New Old Now Old and Wayward Left seems this one: whoever seeks the destruction of Jewry deserves the accolades reserved for heroes.
Let this URL serve as the most simple of reminders as to what Hamas, the only government in power in Gaza, promotes:
Without saying as much, perhaps, Brendan Goldman, no less than veteran campus Jihad watcher Cinammon Stillwell, detects and documents bias or prejudice on campus, much of it having to do with the anti-Semitism or "Judeophobia" masquerading as zealous anti-Zionism predicated on the alleged suffering of sundry others imposed by the existence of the State of Israel.
I thought to start my struggle here with a first principle and corrolaries regarding anti-Semitic speech, to wit:
- It does not respond within the speaker to argument, evidence, or reason;
- It is agenda-driven;
- It is disingenuine as regards references to compassion or humanism; because
- It is about power, not the delivery of beneficial goods and services, not the benign expression of pride in identity, and most certainly not the want of dignity or freedom.
In the dark and distorted mirrors of language that accompany the Islamic Small Wars in their totality, appeals to the humanity of the listener or reader inevitably belie the existence, sponsorship, and imposition of autocratic organizations and processes, further underscoring the nature of the manner of thought.
Of the seven flotilla ships, only four were freight ships. The Challenger 1 (small yacht), the Sfendonh (small passenger boat) and the Mavi Marmara (passenger ship) did not carry any humanitarian aid, except for the passengers' personal belongings. Of the four freight ships - Gaza, Sofia, Defeny and Rachel Corrie - as of June 7, SIBAT had only offloaded equipment from the Defeny. [2]
Blogger Ray Cook goes on to make sense of the Mavi Marmara with the claim that the ship was not only bereft of humanitarian aid, but that the passengers had on them large sums of money, possibly to deliver as off-the-books funds for arms procurement or to stay on and promote the most beloved of agendas, i.e., a "one-state solution" guaranteeing the end of the world's one Jewish state and potentiating the persecution and genocide of the Jews.
Moreover, such cargo as was aboard may have been in part deceptively "dual use" as regards civilian-military applications, specifically the wheelchairs:
The batteries for the electric wheel chairs are gel batteries. Hamas says that Israel does not allow the entry of batteries into the Gaza Strip. Asked what the problem is with batteries the spokesman said the problem is not with gel but with liquid batteries. This is because 1 liter of this battery liquid can produce 50 kilos of nitroglycerin which is an active ingredient in the manufacture of explosives, specifically dynamite. [3,4]
For Jews, this manner of deceit within the warfare intent on annihilating them conveys all too familiar characteristics--wear the armband or not, choose the line on the left or right, or argue the merits of one course or another: none of it matters, for the force behind the policies (today the talk--tomorrow the walk), is an implacable package of fear, jealousy, impotence, and hate, and history has shown time and again, such murderous charades as that chemistry produces begin but never end with the targeting of the Jews and the implementation of the desire to destroy them.
1. Goldman, Brendan. "Middle East Studies Profs Usurp New Roles to Censure Israel Over Gaza Flotilla." American Thinker, June 13, 2010: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/06/middle_east_studies_profs_usur.html
2. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Summary of equipment and aid aboard the Gaza flotilla." June 7, 2010: http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2010/Equipment_aid_Gaza_flotilla_7-Jun-2010.htm
3. Cook, Raymond. "Hamas, Israel and the Flotilla Aid : http://www.raymondcook.net/blog/index.php/2010/06/10/hamas-israel-and-the-flotilla-aid/
4. Missing Peace. "Humanitarian Aid on the Flotilla." June 9, 2010: http://missingpeace.eu/_download/MP-00008-EN-20100609_humanitarian-aid-on-the-flotilla.html
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