Source: YouTube poster "orlibonurb." "I Am Israel - Documentary Film HD Version". YouTube, June 1, 2010:
In light of the above video, which I think timeless, we have this also to consider:
BERLIN – Arab youths threw stones at a Jewish dance group during a street festival in Hannover, injuring one dancer and forcing the group to cancel its performance, German police and dance officials said Thursday. [1]
The span from Arab youth throwing rocks at a Jewish dance troupe in Germany is not so far to an adult spewing venom at Israel from a podium in Vienna:
Source: Vimeo contributor "morris108" but the authorship appears to be Kawther Salam [3] "Speech of Omar Al-Rawi on 4 June 2010." Vimeo, June 6, 2010: Primary source:
Never mind the data that has come out in the weeks since the Mavi Marmara incident, nor the more sophisticated impression of Gaza provided through aid distribution reports, freelance photography by Gaza residents, and such as the Roots Club video, speaker Omar Al-Rawi, a member of Vienna's City Council [2}, will continue along his lines for the social benefits accompanying them, a simple exercise in the acquisition, development, and experience of raw narcissistic power.
"One last word. Today ten thousand people came with us. We also know that near here two hundred people are demonstrating for solidarity with Israel. We live in a free country and everybody can freely express their opinion. Two things I want to tell that group: First, they stated that this is the greatest anti-Semitic event. I say shame on you! for that statement. We reject that smear. Come here and see: here are anti-racists . . . straight people who are against anti-semitism, racism, and against Islamophobia."
The crowd then chants, "Terrorist Israel! Terrorist Israel!"
Let's take this behavior to the video's end:
"And the second thing I would like to tell those friends of Israel: He who is a good friend gives sincere counsel. He must tell his friend: "Dear friend you have gone too far. You are trespassing every limit. If you want this country to continue living in peace, it will not work without the rights of the Palestinians."
Remember this: the rights of the Palestinians today are in the hands of Hamas, legend to this moment for "extrajudicial killings" in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority, which has yet to change the genocidal charter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization from which it sprung in the spirit of Yassar Arrafat, the governments of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt that deny Palestinian refugees camped amidst their bailiwicks the full rights and privileges of citizenship, including access to jobs, and the UNRWA and a small host of disingenuous NGO's that administer humanitarian programs throughout the population but can't seem to put a lid on anti-Semitic, Judeophobic cartoons for children.
Clearly, there has evolved around Israel not a battle for land or for the betterment of Arabs in any progressive material or social aspect, but rather for the possession of language and the obliteration of thought and thoughtfulness itself.
This is what what the world buys into when it embraces the "Palestinian narrative":
Article 15: The liberation of Palestine, from an Arab viewpoint, is a national (qawmi) duty and it attempts to repel the Zionist and imperialist aggression against the Arab homeland, and aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine. Absolute responsibility for this falls upon the Arab nation - peoples and governments - with the Arab people of Palestine in the vanguard. Accordingly, the Arab nation must mobilize all its military, human, moral, and spiritual capabilities to participate actively with the Palestinian people in the liberation of Palestine. It must, particularly in the phase of the armed Palestinian revolution, offer and furnish the Palestinian people with all possible help, and material and human support, and make available to them the means and opportunities that will enable them to continue to carry out their leading role in the armed revolution, until they liberate their homeland.
Article 22: Zionism is a political movement organically associated with international imperialism and antagonistic to all action for liberation and to progressive movements in the world. It is racist and fanatic in its nature, aggressive, expansionist, and colonial in its aims, and fascist in its methods. Israel is the instrument of the Zionist movement, and geographical base for world imperialism placed strategically in the midst of the Arab homeland to combat the hopes of the Arab nation for liberation, unity, and progress. Israel is a constant source of threat vis-a-vis peace in the Middle East and the whole world. Since the liberation of Palestine will destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence and will contribute to the establishment of peace in the Middle East, the Palestinian people look for the support of all the progressive and peaceful forces and urge them all, irrespective of their affiliations and beliefs, to offer the Palestinian people all aid and support in their just struggle for the liberation of their homeland. [4]
Liberation from whom? And from what?
Those two questions may seem at first about people, political organizations, or governments, but, ultimately, they are more accurately about ideation and language and the psychology of fear expressed in tropes that insulate and sustain the same: "the Zionist movement" and "world imperialism" would seem to exist in their own metonymic cloud, a cluster of associations that reach toward opposites in "Arab nation for liberation, unity, and progress."
As good as such language may be made to sound, one may ask what of "liberation, unity, and progress" characterize today the essentially Judenrein states of, say, Algeria, Libya, and Syria.
Gasa, and this with Israel's acquiesence, has been made Judenrein too, and in it, Hamas has routed Fatah by force of arms, and the two to this day cannot agree on who is to represent whom and what.
The energy simmering up into the Middle East Conflict and threatening to boil over into World War III derives from language and the potential within it to poison the heart, blind reason, and dull compassion.
Failure to address the same--the poetics of contempt, violence, and capricious willfulness--enables all of the too familiar inhumane horrors, not the least of which may be having one's sworn "liberators" turn out one's next generation of petty dictators, jailers, state-sanctioned sadists, and thugs.
Cited Reference
1. Grieshaber, Kirsten. "Youths attack Jewish dance group in Germany." Associated Press, June 24, 2010:
2. Wikipedia. "Omar Al-Rawi":
3. Salam, Kawther. Kawther Salam: Europa and Palestine News:
4. "The Palestinian National Charter":
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