By the time I write about it (up here on the bloggerati's second row seat to history), it's old news, but these days, that doesn't make it any less interesting. For this, just follow the URL's and enjoy the YouTube hosted video at the end.
Homeland Security, Office of the Press Secretary. "Secretary Napolitano Swears in Homeland Security Advisory Council Members." Press release, October 15, 2010:
The Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J). "F&J's Regional Officials (North, Central & South Texas)":
Homeland Security. "Homeland Security Advisory Council Members":
Main Course
Geller, Pamela. "Mohamed Eligiary, Homeland Security Adviser, Allegedly Leaked Shopped Classified Info to Media, PS Director: "We Know He Has Accessed DPS Documents and Downloaded Them." Atlas Shrugs, October 26, 2011:
Here's Geller's one-two punch: "The Texas Department of Public Safety now says that Homeland Security Advisory Council member Mohamed Elibiary may have been given access to a sensitive database of state and local intelligence reports, and then allegedly shopped some of those materials to a media outlet. Who else is the devout Elibiary shopping sensitive intel to?"
Spencer, Robert. "DHS Advisory Council member Mohamad Elibiary allegedly shopped sensitive intel reports to media for story on "Islamophobia". Jihad Watch, October 27, 2011:
According to Spencer, Elibiary "is a prominent "moderate," but he spoke at a 2004 conference in Dallas lauding the "Great Islamic Visionary" Ayatollah Khomeini. Subsequently, he had acrimonious discussions with Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher, to whom he issued what looked to many, including Dreher himself, like a threat."
And . . . just a part of the atmosphere in which this happens and really has nothing to do with Elibiary's clumsy accusations about Islamophobia in Texas governments -- Spencer says associates on the left have rejected the passed material outright, claiming, "But we looked at them and saw this was a partisan hatchet job that could blow back on us so we passed on it" -- here is a URL passed to me by one of the Lone Star state's civilian sentinels:
The correspondent asks, "Remember what I wrote . . . re: the Brotherhood script in America being that Islam "looks like" our United States Constitution?"
In rudimentary chemistry, we may boil down a solution to precipitate out particles of interest; in social chemistry, the thing that may be boiled down and filtered is language; and with Islamist thought and its convolutions as well as its shot of taqqiya for license (to lie, mislead, obfuscate, etc. in the name of Muhammad's enterprise), one may isolate two planes that contribute to the dark mirror in language: the front stage and surface story (say about "the religion of peace" and denials of cultural inclusions, histories, and statements far to the contrary) and dark agreements, ambitions, and desires that accommodate and suit power in the language reversing orientation of enthused or leveraged sub-surface cooperation, so that, say, those who may perceive America as an object for conquest may deride Americans as "Islamophobic" who impede their program (and let us not forget that in the middle east, such behavior positions Israel perpetually as the region's maurading force even as it contains itself and facilitates educational and trade activity in the forever Preoccupied Territories).
Now let's take ten minutes to hear how much cognizance and control Secretary of the U&.S. Department of Justice Janet Napolitano has as regards her bailiwick's Homeland Security portion (skip to 4:30 for the chat over Mohamed Elibiary):
Just Dessert
Those in the anti-Jihad as well as those of us of a moderate but cautious political bent have long asked as regards what may be "coming over the berm" the relatively straightforward questions, "who? how many? how powerful?"
With off-the-cuff answers ranging from "stop worrying" (they, whoever they may be, are certainly just like ourselves) to some version of "get down in the bunker" (we're being invaded), more dedicated researchers than I have long dealt with "who is with Osama Bid Laden" or like questions for some time (see Daniel Pipes from 2005:, but the ambiguity remains because in the matter of blocking, containing, and diminishing threats to freedom posed by those who might promote a systematic theocratic barbarism, the "Muslim Brothers" -- the God Mob, as I like to say -- also promote and sustain two lives, only the first as supplicant as long as their more preferred path remains frustrated (for evidence of that, look over the manner in which Turkey's Erdogan has rearranged his state's foreign relations, military, and political landscapes).
Obama's Administration may survive the coming election season on the incompetence of its challengers, but with performances like the one given my Napolitano above as well as its long drift into ambiguity as regards its dealings with Muslim-majority states and Islamist fronts worldwide -- start with Al Shabaab's five years of resurgence in Somalia and then hover a while over Egypt and Libya and what Brotherhood accommodating processes may be happening in those troubled and partially poisoned springs -- it promotes a most imaginative but potentially accurate uncertainty: we don't know how well Homeland Security is working, whether it's really working for Americans who believe in the American Constitution and then so many practices flowing down from English common law and the western Judeo-Christian philosophies and precepts about the nature of God, of nature herself, and of the humanity of a common humanity, and then too we're uncertain as regards the present Administration's financial, political, and social entanglements.
Above: Napolitano's repetitive "I know nothing" helps none other than the Administration's most incisive and resourceful security critics and skeptics.
There is good news here, of course, and it's the same old common news we've gotten in association with terrorist-related FBI stings involving direct threats of violence: if there is an "opposition", as a Le Carre might put it, it's still so dumb that what it attempts still looks way out of place, in this instance like "a partisan hatchet job" looks to a presumably accountable and responsible media editor on the political left.
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