I prefer to believe in God rather than not, and I am careful to keep up with science and what careful and rigorous research has to tell us about nature and the universe. There is no incompatibility between the intuitive belief and faith in God and the expression of freedom in it -- the freedom to choose this way -- and attention also to the little bit that we as representatives each of our species can observe and know about our world. God is greater than ourselves. We should be humble but not without consciousness and as much perception and conscience as we may be able to experience.
As God and nature and the universe intended.
I shouldn't be so lazy with my blog (even with leukemia, a warm apartment, or a recent bottle of beer for an excuse)!
However, I find the Great Facebook Conversation stimulating, and it leads to the kind of articulation, a bit grandiose but not more or less so than many writers before me (and many to come) that i do. I hate to lose in the magnetic slipstreams of online chat threads what I type into compressed packets of thought.
The Facebook group venue: the Rationalist Society of Pakistan.
See me there (if they keep me around: I hope they will).
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